Building a competitive Europe

06.09.2023, 18:30 - 19:45
Universität Zürich-Zentrum
Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich
Raum: KOL-F-101
Jacob Wallenberg
We are honored to welcome Jacob Wallenberg at the University of Zurich.

Jacob Wallenberg is Chair of the Board of Investor AB, a lead shareholder of Nordic-based global companies. He is Chair of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and Vice Chair of ABB Ltd, Ericsson AB, FAM AB and Patricia Industries. Mr. Wallenberg also serves on the Board of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. He is a member of steering committee of the European Round Table for Industry, the Advisory Board of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management. Mr. Wallenberg is a member of and Honorary Chair of IBLAC, the Mayor of Shanghai’s International Business Leaders Advisory Council. He is also member of the Trilateral Commission.
Content of the Lecture
Jacob Wallenberg represents the fifth generation of the Wallenberg family, whose Foundations, the Wallenberg Foundations together with their business interests in multinational companies have a unique and long-term approach to innovation and research in Sweden as well as an active long term oriented ownership philosophy. Based on his experience both as Chairman of Investor AB and Chairman of the Swedish Confederation of Enterprises, Jacob Wallenberg will reflect on the need for Europe to address the widening growth and innovation gaps that have arisen between the EU and the rest of the world by developing robust policies. He will also touch on several issues such as digitalisation and sustainability, innovation and research, the need to fight for free trade in a world where globalization is under threat. Mr. Wallenberg will offer both a Swedish and a European perspective, touching upon what the EU has meant for Sweden and the relevance of what to expect from a NATO membership.
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