International Legal English for Lawyers 2024

04.10.2024, 14:00 - 18:00
Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
Lagerstrasse 2, 8090 Zürich
Richard Norman, James Bellerjeau
CHF 1950.00
Course description
The Legal English course covers key legal concepts in Common Law, courts and litigation, the language of US corporations, Tax Law, Administrative Law, intellectual property, and international contracts. It also covers Tort Law with case studies, Criminal Law and the language of Employment Law. Finally, it introduces the language of European Competition Law and an overview of Inheritance and Succession Law.
Each module contains practical exercises, including writing, speaking, presentation and negotiation skills. The course includes sessions on proper usage and identifying common mistakes with examples from plain English.
The sessions are led by an ex- General Counsel of a large US company and a UK solicitor and former international GC for a multinational entity. Accordingly, the emphasis is on practice-relevant material.
Lawyers and other professionals (e.g., working at law firms, state institutions and the Swiss courts) who have, or will soon have, to use English for legal purposes are encouraged to apply.
Course requirements
Participants should have a good knowledge of general English (the minimum level is the Cambridge First Certificate). They should be prepared to attend 8 out of 12 lessons and to participate actively to obtain maximum benefit from the course.
To receive the certificate from the Europa Institut at the University of Zurich for this International Legal English course, participants are required to pass a 90-minute exam and hold a short presentation about a subject of their choice.
Next course dates
4 October – 9 November 2024 (every Friday afternoon and Saturday morning)
For more information
Please do not hesitate to contact Daniela Eichholzer at
or +41 44 634 48 93.


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