Archiv Churchill Events


  Friedrich Merz
  Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag

  «Gemeinsam für ein starkes Europa in Frieden, Freiheit, Sicherheit und Wohlstand»




  David Malpass
  President of the World Bank Group

  «Building peace, security and prosperity»




 Egils Levits
 President of the Republic of Latvia

«The Price of Freedom»





 The Rt Hon Lord Frost of Allenton CMG MP
 Member of the House of Lords, Former UK Cabinet Minister and Chief Brexit Negotiator

«What is Seen and What is Not Seen: the UK, Europe, and beyond»






  Jean Asselborn
  Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Minister of Immigration and Asylum, Luxembourg

  «Leidet Europa unter einem Werteverlust?»






  Michel Barnier
  EU Chief Negotiator with the United Kingdom (2016-2021)

  «Brexit: new realities and lessons learned for Europe»

   Bundesrat Ignazio Cassis
   Vorsteher des Eidgenössischen Departements für auswärtige Angelegenheiten





  Rt Hon John Bercow MP
  Speaker of the British House of Commons

  «Process of Discovery: What Brexit has taught us (so far) about Parliament,
   Politics and the UK Constitution»





  Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
  President of the Republic of Croatia

  «Europe - challenges and perspectives in an ever more complex world»




  Mark Rutte
  Prime Minister, Minister of General Affairs, Netherlands

  «A strong Europe in a changing world»



  Dr. Andrzej Duda
  President of the Republic of Poland

  «The Future of Europe - Foundations of Unity of the States of Europe»



  Keynote by:

  Roberto Balzaretti
  State Secretary of Switzerland


  Joachim Gauck
  Former President of Germany

  «Europa - einst Verheissung - heute Streitfall»



  Keynote by:

  Alain Berset
  Vice President of the Federal Council
  «Demokratie erfordert Wachsamkeit»

  Jean-Claude Juncker
  President of the European Comission

  «The Future of Europe's Security Architecture»





  Keynote by:

  Johann N. Schneider-Ammann
  Swiss Federal Councillor for Economic and Education

  Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
  Former President of the French Republic

  «Europa - la dernière chance de l'Europe»



  Keynote by:

  Pascal Couchepin
  Former Swiss Federal Councillor for Home Affairs


  Petro Poroschenko
  President of Ukraine

  «Ukraine in 2020: Vision ahead»



  Keynote by:

  Didier Burkhalter
  Swiss Federal Councillor for Foreign Affairs

  Toomas Hendrik Ilves
  President of the Republic of Estonia 

  «The Future of Europe's Security Architecture»



  Keynotes by:

  Prof. Dr. Felix Gutzwiller
  Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Council of States

  Seung Chong
  International Lawyer and Author

  Fürst Hans-Adam II. von und zu Liechtenstein
  Prince (Fürst) of Liechtenstein 

  «Der Staat im dritten Jahrtausend»



  José Manuel Barroso
  President of the European Commission

  «From 1946 till today - a European success story. Why leadership matters»

   Short Introduction to the Event

   Stream of the Speech


  Lord Christopher Patten of Barnes
  Former European Commissioner for External Relations and former memeber of the UK Parliament

  «Democracy and the National Interest - The Challenge for Europe»



  Keynote by:

  Moritz Leuenberger
  Former Member of the Swiss Federal Council


  Anders Fogh Rasmussen
  General-Secretary of NATO

  «Switzerland and NATO: Partners in Security»


  Romano Prodi
  Former President of the European Commission and former Prime Minister of Italy

  «Quo Vadis Europe»

  Herman Van Rompuy
  President of the European Council 

  «Europe's political and economic challenges in a changing world»



  Keynote by:

  Micheline Calmy-Rey
  Swiss Federal Councillor for Foreign Affairs
  «Switzerland's financial / economic challenges in a changing world»


  Tony Blair
  Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

  «Europe at the Crossroads»



  Keynotes by:

  Doris Leuthard
  Swiss Federal Councillor for the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications

  Adam Roberts
  Former Professor for International Relations at Oxford University

  Jean-Claude Trichet
  President of the European Central Bank

  «The Future of Europe»



  Keynotes by:

  Jean-Pierre Roth
  Former President of the Swiss National Bank

  Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf
  Swiss Federal Councillor for the Department of Finance

  Stjepan Mesic
  President of the Republic of Croatia

  «Kroatien an der Schwelle zur Europäischen Union»


  Romano Prodi
  Former Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, Former President of the European Commission

  «What will happen in Europe?»


  Ivo Sander
  Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia

  «Kroatien auf dem Weg in die EU»



  Ursula Plassnik
  Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs

  «A Learning Organisation Tackles the Future»


  Keynote by:

  Micheline Calmy-Rey
  Swiss Federal Councillor for Foreign Affairs

  Josef Ackermann
  Chairman of the Executive Board and of the Group Executive Committee Deutsche Bank

  «Die Bedeutung von Schwellenländern in der globalen Strategie der Deutschen     


  Margaret Beckett
  Former British Foreign Secretary

  «The Future of Europe: A British Perspective»

  Hans-Dietrich Genscher
  Former Federal Minister of Germany 

  «Europa in einer neuen Weltordnung»


  Richard Freiherr von Weizsäcker
  Former President of the Federal Republic of Germany

  «60 years after Churchill's call for unity: where does the United States of Europe stand»


  Bundeskanzler Wolfgang Schüssel
  Chancellor of Austria 

  «Österreich 10 Jahre in der EU - eine Zwischenbilanz»



  Keynote by:

  Josef Deiss
  Swiss Federal Councillor for Foreign Affairs

  Henry Kissinger
  Former US Secretary of State

  «Europe from an American Perspective»


  Keynotes by:

  Denis MacShane
  Former Minister of State for Europe

  Annemarie Huber-Hotz
  Federal Chancellor of Switzerland

  Aleksander Kwasniewski
  President of the Republic of Poland 

  «The New Challenges»



  Keynote by:

  Christoph Blocher
  Swiss Federal Councillor for Justice and Police

  Mikulas Dzurinda
  Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic 

  «Reform and Changes in Europe»

  Keynotes by:

  Franz Fischer
  EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries

  Laszlo Kovacs
  Former Foreign Minister of Hungary

  Micheline Calmy-Rey
  Swiss Federal Councillor for Foreign Affairs

  Jeremy Soames
  Grandson of Sir Winston Churchill

  Zoran Djindjic
  Prime Minister of Serbia 

  Jean-Claude Juncker
  Prime Minister of Luxembourg

  «Changing Spirit»

  Speech Zoran Djindjic
  Speech Jean-Claude Juncker

  Keynotes by:

  Joseph Deiss
  Swiss Federal Councillor for Foreign Affairs

  Lord Jenkins of Hillhead
  Former President of the European Commission

  Gordon Pell
  Chief Executive of Coutts Group

  Helmut Kohl
  Former German Chancellor 

  «Europe: Vision and Reality»



  Keynotes by:

  Sir George Mathewson
  Chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group

  Samuel Schmid
  Swiss Federal Councillor for Defence, Civil Protection and Sport

  Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
  Former President of the French Republic

  «Experiences and Perspectives»


  Keynotes by:

  Joseph Deiss
  Swiss Federal Councillor for Foreign Affairs

  Lord David Douglas-Home
  Chairman of the Board of RBS Coutts Bank Ltd

  Lord David Owen
  Former British Foreign Secretary 

  «Security in Europe»


  Keynotes by:

  Adolf Ogi
  Swiss Federal Councillor for Defence, Civil Protection and Sport

  Andrzej Olechowski
  Former Foreign Minister of Poland

  Sir Edward Heath
  Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom  

  «Economic and Monetary Union»


  Keynotes by:

  Pascal Couchepin
  Swiss Federal Councillor for the Economy

  Prabhu Guptara
  Director Organisational and Executive Development at UBS

  Vaclav Klaus
  Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

 Laszlo Kovacs
  Minister of Hungary

 Lord William Wallace of Saltaire
  London School of Economics and Political Science

 Prince Karl von Schwarzenberg
  Former Chancellor of Vaclav Havel

  «Expansion to the east»

  Keynote by:

  Eberhard von Koerber
  President of ABB Europe

  Malcolm Rifkind
  British Foreign Secretary

  «Fiftieth anniversary of Churchill's Speech»


  Keynotes by:

  Flavio Cotti
  Swiss Federal Coucillor for Foreign Affairs

  Nicholas Soames
  Member of the Parliament and Grandson of Sir Winston Churchill